The objective of the Rose Society of Greater St. Louis is to inspire, promote and develop an interest in roses and rose culture in a social forum where members and visitors can discuss growing roses in the St Louis area so we can all benefit from growing beautiful roses! Everyone is welcome to attend any meeting and ask any question.

The Society is registered with the State of Missouri and maintains an affiliation with the American Rose Society. The group plans for meetings/activities ten times a year, normally at the Missouri Botanical Garden Commerce Bank Center for Science Education (CBEC) on Shaw just east of S Kingshighway. Some of the meetings and activities will be elsewhere as indicated on the Calendar. Our intent is to include a presentation/discussion or hands-on program on some aspect of rose growing depending on the location of the meeting. We also enjoy tours of member and local public gardens.

In 2023 our long time Newsletter editor Robyn retired from the position. Robyn is greatly missed as she put out a beautiful and informative 'Voice of the Rose' newsletter. While we look for someone to fill that void we will not have our own newsletter however the Belleville Area Rose Society has graciosly added our membership to their electronic newsletter mailing list. Robyn has a network of other editors that share newletters and articles that aid heavily in creating the newsletter. Anyone interested in filling that position or any social networking type communication (Facebook, Instagram, X, etc.) please contact (email addresses below) the existing president Mike McDonald or vice-president Kevin Rogers.  

NOTE: Dues (Jan 1- Dec 31) for 2025 will be $10 per household.  Dues only help defer our existing known expenses. In the past it was $15.00 per household. If we get a volunteer to be the Editor we will evaluate re-intitiating the newsletter. However, regardless it will be electronic only. Those who have questions about the club or membership should contact our existing president Mike McDonald ( or existing vice-president Kevin Rogers (

Checks for dues should be made out to:  "Rose Society of Greater St Louis"

Please mail to (or bring to the meeting) our Treasurer Lisa McDonald, 679 John Meyer Dr, St Charles, MO 63304.  Dues are needed to arrive by Feb 21, 2025. The need here is that we maintain ARS Liability Insurance to cover the activities of the Society and are calculated on paid Active Members. We encourage all who love roses to join our group.

The calendar page lists the topics, location and times of our meetings. Please join us - guests are always welcome!

Homepage Calendar Consulting Rosarians Local Judges Suggested Varieties Growing Roses in StL Larry's Favorites Rosarian MonthlyTips Useful Links