The Rose Society of Greater St. Louis activities

For 2025, unless indicated otherwise below, our regular meetings will be held from 2-4 pm on Sundays at the Commerce Bank Center for Science Education (CBEC) building at 4651 Shaw Blvd (only 3 blocks west of the MO Botanical Garden main campus on the North side of Shaw at South Kingshighway Blvd - click link below) in classrooms 126-127. There is ample parking directly in the lot with close/easy access to the building. Location is directly north and across Shaw from O'Connell's Pub. 

CBEC Location

Visitors and new members are always welcome.

2025 Calendar of Events

 January CBEC No meeting held
February 16 CBEC ARS Short Programs on buying/Planting roses from Mail Order catalogs, Fertilizing Roses and Summer care hosted by Paul Zimmerman. (Kevin Rogers remo)
 March 16 CBEC To Be determined
 April - date to be determined Campbell House Museum  in downtown St Louis Hands-on Rose Pruning at the Campbell House Rose Garden
 April 20 CEBC Preping roses for show or display
 May 18 CEBC final plans/discussion of Rose Show details - verifying volunteers
 May 23-24-25 Botanical Garden Setup rose show on Friday May 23 - Judged show on Saturday May 24, display through Sunday May 25 with late PM tear down.
June 15 No meeting  
July 20 TBD TBD
August 17 CBEC TBD
September 21 CBEC TBD
October 19 CEBC preparing/winterizing your rose beds
November None No meeting scheduled
December 7 - tentative date Meeting at Campbell House 9 am-11am Winterize the Campbell House Roses - all welcome to learn and help out!
December None scheduled No meeting. Happy Holidays! Plan any changes to your garden - order roses for next year

Homepage Calendar Consulting Rosarians Local Judges Suggested Varieties Growing Roses in StL Larry's Favorites Rosarian MonthlyTips Useful Links